Table of Contents

Data persistence

AI Toolbox provides for data persistence out of the box a SimpleDataStorage and a SimpleMemoryStore class. These classes can store data volatile (memory) or persistent (text file). This allows you to get started with AI Toolbox (and Semantic Kernel) in no time, without having setup a data storage solution first.

Data storage

For data storage AI Toolbox provides an IDataStorage interface. The interface is used by the PersistentChatAgentService to store all chat related data. For more information please check the AIToolbox.Agents.ChatCompletion namespace reference.


For data storage currently only SimpleDataStorage implementation is available. It is planned to provide an EF Core connector, so the data can be stored on a solution of your choice.

    .IncludeOllamaConnector(options => ...)
    .AddKernel(options => ...)
    .WithSimpleDataStorage(options =>
        options.StorageType = StorageType.Persistent;
        options.Directory = "tmp-data";

Memory store

For the Semantic Kernel IMemoryStore interface AI Toolbox provides the SimpleMemoryStore implementation. For other available memory store connectors please check the NuGet package overview.

    .IncludeOllamaConnector(options => ...)
    .AddKernel(options => ...)
    .AddMemory(options => ...)
    .IncludeSimpleMemoryStore(options => options.StorageType = StorageType.Persistent)
    .IncludeChatCompletionAgent(options =>
        options.StorageType = StorageType.Persistent;
        options.Directory = "tmp-sk-memory";
    .WithSimpleDataStorage(options => ...);